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Ron Paul 2008 - Hope for America
Video > Other
2.73 GB

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Nov 26, 2007

Ron Paul 2008 - Hope for America DVD (AVI/XVID)

Converted to XVID/1500/640x428.

Note: i've fixed several audio issues. Shifted the audio volume from a range
between very silent and overmodulated/distorted to a more constant level over
all parts including fixes within single files. At least you won't need medical
care after listening to this release..

Further fixes include minor audio interleaving corrections in several parts
as well as an attempted sample rate correction in "Television Interviews -
Conversation with the Candidate" (still not sure if this works better now).
I've rarely witnessed such badly engineered audio on a DVD release..

But what's more: watch this DVD to get to know about Ron Paul, who he is,
what he stands for, and why the people in America (and around the world)
want him to become the next president of the U.S.A.

Please seed!


Ron Paul not only takes money from white supremacist groups, but seems to have no problem with it. Why are you fucking morons still supporting the shithead? HE IS A BIGOT!

I stand by my statement- if Ron Paul is elected president, I will move to Israel.
Here's audio of Austin Texas' NAACP Director Nelson Linder talking about how he doesn't believe Ron Paul is racist:

Ron Paul has more minority support than ANY other GOP candidate because his message speaks truth to all people. He is also the only candidate on either side willing to end the Federal "War on Drugs" which actually creates more crime and disproportionately affects black and hispanic communities.

> Ron Paul not only takes money from white supremacist groups

First off Ron Paul only takes money from individuals. He wouldn't allow any "group" or company to influence him. There was 1 (ONE) $500 donation of questionable origin from Florida. It was pointed out to him weeks later and he was asked if he would give it back. His answer was if this person is so bad, how would giving it back be good? He puts it towards his campaign of Freedom, Peace and Prosperity and the bad-guy loses.!